
2003-01-30 : 11:17 a.m.
i was thinking how if anyone read this who didn't know me, and knew nothing about me... well you might be pretty lost. truthfully, i think that no one will read this aside from the few friends i've told about this. but i thought just in case..it will just make me feel better. so there.

there are only a few important things you need to know to know the basics of my life. i'm almost 27, am married to my high school sweetheart, have 3 young children (all boys, ages 4 1/2 yrs, 2 yrs, and 6 months old). i'm a stay at home mom. i worked until my 2nd was born. i love staying home w/ them but its stressful. its a job you have 24 hrs a day, so you tend to get taken for granted about all the little things you do... when is my weekend is what i wanna know?! to add to it, my husband works away during the week and is home on weekends. it sucks and i miss him and the kids miss him. even the dog misses him. i look at the bright sides... i rarely cook real dinners during the week, less laundry during the week, i can do or watch whatever i want after the kids get into bed... things like that. he and i are not perfect and have some issues we're trying to work on. at least i hope we are.

there. that is way too much for anyone.

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